Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Info on Sonicfast JAM

My writings are for the millions of people that use or have internet to read and enjoy. TSFN take you to new worlds of wonder and make things happen that would no usually happen or could not. They also take you to a new time 1000's of years into the future and 1000's of years into the past. In the future though we meet a young boy named Jack this boy goes on a trip to where no one was meant to go, and is put though obstacles that take the help of a suit devolved. By jack's father John Andrew Mullens. With the new powers the suit offers Jack must stop all evil in the universe wherever and whenever that may be.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Thoughts on moving out

Moving out can be more stressful then you think. My moving out was a given and was still very stressful to a large point. First thing most people who move out have no idea if it will work out. They hope that there roommate will allow them to stay. People will most likely agree that even moving your so called stuff can be hard. If u are moving away for the first time your parents may not be pleased but the move in the end will be well worth it.